Call for Participation

 In conjunction with ITC-Asia19, “D2T Symposium” will be held on 6th September by the VLSI Design and Education Center (VDEC) of the University of Tokyo, as the 14th meeting of symposium series first started in 2008. D2T Symposium is pursuing in “design”, “test”, and their bridging technologies in the symposia as indicated in the name “D2T” that means “Design to Test”.

  This year, D2T will invite lecturers overseas, Professor Degang Chen, Dr. Alan Alan Mishchenko, Professor Kalla Priyank, Professor Adit Singh from US, Professor K.-T. Tim Cheng from Hong Kong, Assoc. Professor Gilgueng Hwang from France for their distinguished research topics. Those interested are welcome to attend.

Click HERE for more information on D2T Symposium.