Please check if you need an entry visa for Japan. Nationals and citizens of those countries and regions shown below are not required to obtain visas to enter Japan when their visits are tourism, commerce, conferences, visiting relatives/ acquaintances, etc. Visitors from outside these 68 countries must apply for a visa in advance. 

If you need an entry visa for Japan, please follow these two steps:

  • Step 1
    Please fill in the ITC-Asia19_visa_assistance_request_form and send it to us by e-mail as soon as possible. This information is necessary to prepare your documents. We will prepare the necessary documents based on your information, and then send them to you by mail. The ITC-Asia 2019 Organizing Committee will provide the visa letters for this international symposium only to:
    • Speakers / Presenters,
    • Committee Members,
    • Attendees.

Please contact Program Co-Chairs Hideyuki Ichihara and Masahiro Ishida ( for further assistance. If you will be accompanied by someone else, please give us the necessary information about them. In general, you can apply for visas together, but in some cases you must apply separately. Please ask the nearest Japanese Embassy/Consulate.

  • Step 2
    Please submit the documents, which include the necessary ones we will send, to the Japanese Embassy/Consulate. They will process your documents and decide on your visa application.

Mailing visa documents (Step 1) often takes two or three weeks, and it can take more than one month for your visa application to be processed (Step 2). So, please send the form as soon as possible.

Detailed Visa Application Procedure can be found here. 

Countries and Regions for Visa Exemption
Asia Europe
Brunei (15 days) Andorra
Indonesia  Austria
Malaysia Belgium
Republic of Korea Bulgaria
Singapore Croatia
Thailand (15 days) Cyprus
Hong Kong Czech Republic
Macao Denmark
Taiwan Estonia
North America Finland
Canada Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
United States France
Latin America and the Caribbean Germany
Argentina Greece
Bahamas Hungary
Barbados Iceland
Chile Ireland 
Costa Rica Italy
Dominican Republic Latvia
El Salvador Liechtenstein
Guatemala Lithuania
Honduras Luxembourg
Mexico Malta
Surinam Monaco
Uruguay Netherlands
Oceania Norway
Australia Poland
New Zealand Portugal
Middle East Romania
Israel San Marino
Turkey Serbia
United Arab Emirates Slovakia
Africa Slovenia
Lesotho Spain
Mauritius Sweden
Tunisia Switzerland
  United Kingdom